Solvitur ambulando: (Latin) "It is solved by walking"
When your mind is aligned, you just work.
That's what mental chiropractic's all about.
I'm Daniel. Here's what I know:
1) You are naturally creative, compassionate, committed, and highly capable.
2) Anywhere in life you don't experience these qualities, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. It means something's out of alignment.
3) In the body, e.g., a vertebra out of place or a pinched nerve will cause stress and compromise overall functioning. Same thing goes for the mind. When your thoughts and emotions (and the perceptions/beliefs they spring from), your values, and your intentions are aligned, things just work.
4) It can be hard to see what's out of alignment. All you know is, something's not working. You find yourself doing everything you know to do, and the problem persists. Something's stuck.
5) I can help you with that, using a technique I call mental chiropractic.